Summer 2010 & Summer 2011
Graduate Student Instructor
CalSol - Solar Vehicle Team
Bumblebee CAD Animation
E128 - Advanced Engineering Graphics
Spring 2010 with Professor Lieu
Earned the Alexander and Ethel Levens Award for excellence in engineering graphics, computer aided design, 3D modeling and animation

- Software - Pro/Engineer Wildfire & 3D Studio Max
- Modeling - Reverse engineered Bumblebee the Transformer from an action figure toy. Collaborated with a team of four over three months to model and assemble the eighty components. Personally modeled twenty individual leg components from the hip to the toes.
- Assembly - Components assembled with translational and rotational constraints on each joint. Inverse kinematics tools were used to simulate the robotic motion of the transformer.
- Animation - Rendered a 10 minute animation with multiple scenes and transitions. Animated the assembly of the eighty components and transformation from robot to automobile. Included sound track, lighting, and special effects. Wrote an entertaining storyboard with Bumblebee dancing after the final credits.
Manufacturing Methods
ME122 - Processing of Materials in Manufacturing
Spring 2012 with Professor Youssefi

This class taught fundamentals of manufacturing methods and provided the opportunity to test 3 types of processes. The team projects are detailed below with photos.
- 3D Printing - Rapid prototyping process was used to print a hollow mobius strip with internal details that could not be easily machined. The CAD was created using surface modeling and a bonus hippo was modeled to take advantage of the hollow space inside the design.
- CNC - Computer numerical control was used to machine a hippo submerged in water. This design was a free form surface that might be difficult to machine accurately by hand and had no overhanging features. We also generated and verified the tool path before sending to the machine for production.
- Water Jet - We designed a 3D hippo puzzle made of 2D pieces for the water jet project. Hippo skeleton was cut out for part complexity.
Pick and Place Robot
ME102B - Mechatronics
Fall 2010 with Professor Kazerooni

- Overview - Senior design project to prototype a device controlled by an Arduino micro-controller in one semester. Built a parallel robotic arm where the effector end remains parallel to the ground
- Kinematics - Solved a system of equations using inverse kinematics to relate the angular position of the top parallelogram to the position of the effector. Prototyped and tested the dynamics equations in MATLAB. Compiled final C++ code using an Arduino micro-controller.
- Software - Taking input from the user through a Wii controller, the micro-controller interpreted the signal to desired coordinate in 3D space and translated that location to a series of output angles on the robotic arm. The micro-controller sent corresponding PWM signals to the 3 servo actuators on the robot.
P51-B 3D Model
E128 - Advanced Engineering Graphics
Spring 2010 with Professor Lieu

- Surface Model - Created a 3D surface model of a vintage P-51B Mustang plane in 3D Studio Max. Applied surface material finishes and insignia details created in Photoshop. Rendered a short animation of the plane flying over Berkeley campus. Individual project completed over the course of three weeks.
- Animation - Used keys and motion controllers to generate the flying path of the plane. Created an illusion of spinning propellers by using a glass disk. Also generated an illusion of a 3D campus by mapping a 2D photo onto the inside surface of a 3D sphere.
Automatic Pencil Sharpener
ME130 - Planar Machinery
Spring 2010 with Professor Yousseffi

- Project - Designed and built an automatic pencil sharpener that used a four bar mechanism to move a sharpener into place to sharpen a rotating pencil. The pencils were fed into the device and fell through the bottom when finished.